33. "Dorothy Gale " Judy Garland in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
34. "Yoda" in Star wars saga
35. "Blondie the good" Clint Eastwood in El Bueno, el malo y el feo
36. "Golum" Andy Serkis in The lord of the rings saga
37. "Elis Red" Morgan Freaman in Cadena Perpétua
38. "Hans Gruber" Alan Rickman in Die hard
40. "Princess Leia Organa" Carrie Fisher in Star wars saga
41. "Quint" Robert Shaw in Jaws
42. "Rick Blaine" Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca
43. "Tony Marone" Jhon Travolta in Saturday Night Fever
44. "Amon Goeth" Ralph Finnes in Schindler List
45. "Norman Bates" Antonhy Perkins in Psycho
46. "Walt Kowalsky" Clint Easwood in Gran torino
47. Rorscharch (Walter Kovacs) Jackie Earle Haley in Watchmen
48. Jason Bourne Matt Damon in Bourne Trilogy
49. Leonard Guy Pearce en Memento
50. Ennis del Mar Heath Leader en Brockeback Mountain
51. Jon Gries Napoleon en Napoleon Dynamite
52.Carl Friedricksen Tito Resendiz en Up
53.Miranda Prieslty Meryl Streep in The devil wears Prada
54. Amelie Poulain Audrey Tautou en Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain
55. Randy "The Ram"Robimson Mickey Rourke en The Westler
56. Randy Plainview Daniel Day Lewis en Petroleo Sangriento
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